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Image by Amy Shamblen

Client Testimonials

Natasia facilitated a connection between my soul life and my human life, my soul, my physical body, and my psyche, aligning past, present and future. I am grateful for what I learned with Natasia, and having had many experiences seeking to solve my “voice” problem I can say Natasia released it not just for me, but for all those around me who will benefit from a different level of “me showing up” in the future.

A Story of Releasing my Voice - Adrienne, 58

Love and caring make such a difference. This is my takeaway from Natasia. I felt enveloped in love and caring during my session with Natasia, I enjoyed birds weaving a nest in my womb, I spent time existing as my essence while my body told me it was in suspension. The love and caring allowed me to touch deep spots in my body/mind/spirit which I have not touched despite years of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. With Natasia under hypnosis, I touched the moment I trapped my voice inside my body. The moment I chose to not tell my truth for fear of grown-up reactions or for fear of punishment for the perpetrator. My voice was released, and since then I have noticed I can say yes, no, or maybe with intention. I learned this amazing to me thing, when I say yes, no, maybe – as a way of staying in relationship with others, I am inhibiting myself, I am also not trusting the other’s inherent strength. I learned the importance of my voice, not as a way of appeasing others in the moment but as a way of facilitating growth for all. I feel like I understand my role for myself and for others in a completely different way, it is not my role to facilitate happiness in others, it is simply my role to walk a path where they and I get to grown into our whole selves, which may include feelings of being thwarted which leads to feeling of overcoming or surrendering to limitations. Natasia facilitated a connection between my soul life and my human life, my soul, my physical body, and my psyche, aligning past, present and future. I am grateful for what I learned with Natasia, and having had many experiences seeking to solve my “voice” problem I can say Natasia released it not just for me, but for all those around me who will benefit from a different level of “me showing up” in the future. One significant difference between my experience with Natasia and other times I have sought help, is after I received insights to my behaviors, I had no shame or guilt for myself or others. Forgiveness of myself and others became my new baseline. Thank you Natasia, I am so looking forward to future work together. A last note, Thank you Nataisa, for all the work you have done to make such an amazing experience possible."

Mary Laney,51 岁,加拿大

“我来 Natasia 寻求减肥方面的帮助,因为这是一个由来已久的问题。我不开心,没有动力,感到沮丧。在会议期间,我对自己进食的原因有了如此清晰的认识,这是我在其他类型的治疗中从未发现过的。感谢您改善了我的饮食习惯,让生活变得更美好。我会向任何人推荐 Natasia。她使会议非常个性化,这是其他治疗师无法为我做的!”


“在快速转化疗法的过程中,我与 Natasia 的经历真正具有启发性和治愈性。多么不可思议的 RTT 治疗师 Natasia 啊! Natasia 巧妙地带领我走上治愈和自我发现的记忆之路,甚至一直回到前世。令人惊奇的是,我们如何不知不觉地生活在我们内心深处的某些记忆中,这些记忆似乎影响了我们生活的方方面面。 Natasia 不仅使用了一种探索我潜意识的方法,而且还使用了几种非常有效的策略。我被震撼了!在与 Natasia 的会谈中,我感到安全和受到培养。在我的探索过程中,她确切地知道该说什么或做什么。我很庆幸我找到了 Natasia!多亏了现代技术,即使我们相距甚远,我们也能够连接并实现这种强大的治疗!能够释放我什至不知道自己随身携带的旧包袱真是一件幸事。当我聆听 Natasia 专门为我精心设计的录音时,我每天都感到轻松。再次感谢您的专业知识和培养能量,亲爱的 Natasia。感谢您为我保留空间并指导我完成康复过程。感谢您帮助我改变了我的生活!”

MG,50 岁

“我来 Natasia 是为了帮助解决我对吸引有毒人士的担忧,因为它给我带来了恐惧和不为自己说话等问题。我尝试过传统疗法,但它们对我的恐惧和担忧没有帮助。我不自信,没有动力,感到挫败和消极。在与 Natasia 的会谈中,我非常清楚为什么我会吸引有毒的人,并且能够感到平静和自信。会议结束后,我的恐惧和焦虑症状有所改善,我注意到消极的想法和情绪有所改善。我觉得我终于可以战胜他们了!我也体验到了内心的平静!谢谢你,Natasia 帮助我恢复了自信,建立了自尊,并消除了我的障碍。我会向任何人推荐 Natasia,因为她善良、富有同情心的直觉和对许多问题的理解。她的技巧在她融入灵性的方式上很特别,她找到根本原因的能力在整个过程中对我的指导非常有帮助。她在寻找问题的根本原因方面确实很有天赋,并且可以真正帮助您确定如何治愈过去的伤害,这些伤害会导致您日常生活中出现的问题。作为一名受伤的治疗师,我觉得因为与 Natasia 的合作,我可以更好地为他人服务。我会再次联系她寻求治疗,并向任何需要帮助的人推荐她的服务。”

Lisa Nogueira,30 岁,加拿大

“我来 Natasia 是为了解决我缺乏与孩子们在一起的能力,希望反应更少,反应更快。Natasia 缩小了根本问题的范围,并允许我回顾和取代我坚持的根深蒂固的信念一个潜意识层面。自从我们的会议以来,我已经开始看到巨大的进步,注意到我对我的孩子们更加放松和敏感。这种变化让我能够专注于在场并为周围的人提供最好的自己。自从在我们的课程中,我醒来时感觉更轻松,头脑更少,促进了与孩子的更健康关系。我作为母亲更有信心,并期待看到这些持久的变化将如何以最积极的方式影响我的选择。感谢 Natasia 的耐心和关心,同时为我提供了一个安全舒适的空间,让我重新评估和释放不再为我服务的东西。”

吉德尔,31 岁

“我来 Natasia 是为了帮助消除我的嫉妒心,因为它影响了我和男朋友的关系。我很不开心,在有其他女性在场的社交场合感到焦虑。在我的治疗之后,我变得非常清晰,我终于能够了解嫉妒从何而来!自会议以来,我一直感到更加冷静和有力量去面对类似的情况。感谢 Natasia 帮助我建立自尊并理解被遗弃的恐惧。Natasia 是一个非常直觉、有才华的人和富有同情心的治疗师。强烈推荐!

北美,14 岁

“我来 Natasia 是为了缓解我的焦虑,因为它给我带来了一些问题,比如在学校遇到麻烦。我尝试过传统疗法、外科手术和药物治疗,但它们对我对学校的焦虑没有帮助。我很不开心,没有动力,感觉一文不值。在与 Natasia 的会谈中,我非常清楚我的焦虑为何以及如何被触发,并且能够感觉更好,在会谈结束后,我的压力症状立即得到改善,我注意到了改善我自己,我终于能够不再感到内疚了!我的睡眠也有所改善!感谢 Natasia 帮助我恢复对学习的热爱,建立我的信心,并消除我的消极想法。我会向任何人推荐 Natasia与焦虑作斗争,因为她可以帮助您重拾信心。她的技术很特别,因为它非常适合您并且非常确定,而且她帮助您回顾过去经历的能力非常有助于指导我e 整个过程。她擅长低估你的观点,能够真正理解你。我肯定会再次联系她接受治疗,并向任何需要帮助的人推荐她的服务。




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